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Burglary Suspects Caught with Unidentified Property

Date: November 20, 2015

Tanglewood HOA,

I am writing to try to get in contact with any homeowner who might have property missing or have security video of the suspects walking the neighborhood or entering garages. We have unidentified property that we would like to return to the rightful owners. This property does not have to come from a car it could be from inside your garage. If you have anything small or insignificant that is missing but did not report, I would like to know about it.

***I am also trying to locate the homeowner who's daughter observed the suspects in her garage. I would like to speak with you, the Officer was unable to get your information at the time you spoke with him.

If you observed the suspects and can provide a description of what you observed I would like to get in touch with you.

If you have a security video and can not download it or having technical problems we can assist with that issue just let us know.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and being apart of fighting crimes that cost everyone. This is a very active case and several victims have already been identified through out the city. I know everyone would like to know more about the suspects but do to the ongoing investigation I can not release that at this time.


Detective Brandi Howard
Mansfield Police Department
Criminal Investigation Division

Tanglewood at Mansfield Homeowners Association

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